
Showing posts from November, 2021

Why Does Janie Not Hate Tea Cake? (yet)

            At this point in Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie has been through her fair share of marriages. Right now she is married to Tea Cake, and seems to be considerably more forgiving towards him than she was towards her previous husbands. How is it, that she can forgive Tea Cake, a man who stole and spent all of her money, and then beat her for no reason? Logan and Joe Starks were also bad people, so it makes sense that she was utterly appalled by them, but as far as we know, neither of them have ever physically abused her. An outsider looking in on the situation would no doubt agree that Tea Cake is the worst of Janie’s love interests, and yet, he is the one that Janie seems to be the most in love with, and so far, does not seem to be considering leaving him. Why is that? To answer this we must first look at Janie’s previous relationships. She was miserable with Logan Killicks. Logan Killicks and Janie were a part of an arranged marriage, and never really showed affection